Natrix or first snake for a month

It all started when I was still a child, about 7-8 years old.
Whenever I saw a reptile in nature, no matter if it was a snake or a lizard, it got my full attention. I always found some moments to observe and admire it, try to find where it is heading and somehow deep inside me a wish to catch one was initiated. Later at the age of 10 I found enough courage and of course an opportunity to catch my first snake.

It was a really small, about 20-25 cm long Grass snake (lat. Natrix natrix). I remember I brought it home in an empty plastic yogurt cup. Of course, it was a big secret – no one at home should have found that out. Searching for a solution where to put the snake, I found and “stole” from my mother a really big glass jar (today I know it was about 5 liters) and built my first terrarium. (If you are curious why a jar, let me tell you, it had to be easy to hide in the wardrobe.) I put inside everything that I found to be important for snake’s comfort: part of the grass from the garden with the soil, small stone and a small bowl with water, or better to say a small cup. With the help of three stones it was built in two floors. I have to tell you: it was a masterpiece, I was really proud of it.

I have realized quite fast that the snake would need some warmth and food  as well … that became a challenge. For the warmth I used our balcony and through the glass the sunshine did its job quite well. But food, that was a different story.
I was trying to catch and offer all types of bugs … no luck. The snake did not want them and even did not show any interest in them at all. It only caused me problems to remove the bugs out of the jar.

I asked my schoolmate who lived close to the river, (as he mentioned to me once, that they have quite a lot of these kind of snakes around their property), what the heck do these snakes eat? He told me, he believes they eat fish.
So, my next mission was … you can guess twice … Let’s go fishing!
(by the way, at that time there was no Internet or Google we know nowadays to check what does this snake eat).

Photo: Grass snake (Natrix natrix) / source
Wikipedia: Grass snake

Close to our house (about 2 km away), there was a big puddle or pond surrounded by a forest. I thought it could be the right place to catch a tiny fish for my little snake. Well unfortunately no catch. But on the other hand I was lucky enough and I have cached something else. A tadpole! Yes, it was quite similar to a fish, and I said to myself, let’s try to trick the snake to think it is a fish. Arriving home, I put the tadpole in that small water bowl inside the jar and watched to see if the snake will catch and eat that “thing”. No luck. I believed the snake was too afraid. So, I put the jar together with that tadpole back  in the wardrobe and I went to sleep.

Next morning, there was no tadpole in the water anymore. What happened? Since the jar was surly closed I was sure it didn’t escape. I turned all the content of my terrarium around and wasn’t able to find it. I thought: OK never mind, after school I am going to catch another tadpole and offer it to the snake again. So, I did. And look at the miracle. That evening, after I put the new tadpole in the water cup, the snake came out of its hide and … yummy! What a joy, what an achievement! I have a snake at home, hidden in my room and after approximately two weeks I have succeeded feeding it. I am the man! 💪

I was able to spend hours and hours staring at the jar and observing the snake. Unfortunately, the week or two after, I forget once the jar on the balcony when I went out with my friends to play. My little big secret became a Red alert! When I arrived back home my parents were in the kitchen and on the kitchen table … my jar. Empty but muddy jar ☹. No snake inside. Empty like my heart at that moment. 💔

I think there is no need to describe the loud speech my father made, asking me what or who do I think I am? Telling me I need to see a doctor, etc…
My mother was completely shocked as she almost got a heart attack finding the snake in the jar on the balcony between her flowers …

So, my first wild caught snake was released to the nature (where it belongs) after approx. a month by my father but, it was my very first snake and my first home-made terrarium – for a month.

My jar terrarium looked very similar to this example (with stones, water cup and without flowers … and of course with perforated metal cup).

More info how this one was made you can find here: HOUSE & HOME / DIY PROJECTS


In my next blog I will tell you about the venomous snake I took to school … 🙂
Thanks for reading and see you soon.

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